Getting Ready to Move? Here’s How to Declutter.
Preparing for a move is a great opportunity to declutter your home and simplify your life.
Decluttering before you pack makes the moving process easier so you can start fresh in your new home. Here’s how to get started:
1. Start Early
Begin decluttering well before your moving date.
Aim to start the process a few weeks or even months ahead of your move. This gives you enough time to sort through everything you own methodically and prevents being rushed.
Set aside specific times to tackle different areas of your home, and make a plan to keep the process manageable.
2. Tackle One Room at a Time
Focus on decluttering one room or at a time.
Trust us – organizing room by room will keep you and your family from being overwhelmed. Start with high-traffic areas like the kitchen or living room, and move on to spaces like closets, the attic, or basement.
3. Sort and Categorize
Sort your items into four main categories: keep, donate, sell, and discard. Use boxes or bins to separate items as you go. Label each box clearly as you go.
Donations can be set aside for drop-off, items for sale can be listed online, and things to discard should be disposed of properly.
If you’re moving out of the Springfield, Missouri area, you can donate your unused items to places like:
4. Be Ruthless
When decluttering, be decisive about what stays and what goes. Assess each item: Do you use it? Do you love it? Is it in good condition? Be honest about what you really need.
When dealing with sentimental items, the decision is more difficult. Reflect on which items have true personal value and which can be let go. For those you choose to part with, consider preserving the memories by taking digital photos. This way, you maintain the emotional connection without keeping physical items that add to your clutter.
Why Bother De-Cluttering At All?
Decluttering before a move isn’t just about cleaning up; it’s about making your transition less stressful. By reducing the amount of stuff you have to pack and carry, you simplify the moving process and can avoid unnecessary costs.
Before you skip decluttering to prepare for a move, just remember:
1. Reduces Stress & Anxiety
Clutter has plenty of negative effects on your mind. You might feel a sense of constant struggle to complete daily tasks. Children may find clutter frustrating as they see it as something disorganized and out of place because kids love routines. Clutter is the antithesis of routine.
2. Increased Productivity
Misplaced your favorite skillet again? Have your kids turned half the garage into a play fort filled with boxes, plastic bins, and stuff you collected 20 years ago? Has your granny’s antique plate collection gone missing? Maybe it’s time to clear out your home.
If you need more space, consider a storage unit. We know a good moving company that can help you move stuff to storage.
Related Post: We Handle Storage Unit Moves for Seasonal Items & Decorations
3. Improved Mental Clarity & Creativity
You may have seen the sign on your supervisor’s desk that says, “A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind.” Ignore that. Over time, your mind turns into what you see. If you see clutter, your mind will become cluttered.
4. Sense of Accomplishment
Everyone loves to reach a goal! Decluttering gives you a sense of accomplishment when you take pride in a job well done.
Get your blood pumping! Increased heart rate improves blood flow to your brain (that’s probably why our moving guys are so efficient), which improves your thought processes.
5. Out of Sight, Out of Mind
You’ve heard of out of sight, out of mind. While we don’t recommend that for all of life’s problems, we actually do when you have too much clutter in your home.
Clean your stuff and free up some space for what you really want to do in your new space. Need an extra room for a home gym? What about a recording studio or art studio? How about a new nursery for your expanding family?
Need Help? Call the Movers Who Give a Damn
Want some organized, efficient movers who give a damn to help you move stuff to your new place or to your in-laws, uh, your storage unit? That’s us! Get a FREE estimate online or call The Moving Company at 417-501-9128.