Family Moving in Wintery Conditions

Our Guide to Moving in Winter With Quick Hits and Tips

So, you’ve decided to move during the winter months! While moving can be challenging in the best of times, relocating while dealing with icy conditions adds an extra challenge. 

The Moving Company shares our ultimate guide for navigating this process. 

Winter Move Planning

The difficulty with planning a move in the winter is that you can’t possibly predict the weather a month in advance. Having a moving company show up at your home is a set date that can be difficult to reschedule. But, even if you plan a move in the summer, there could still be rain or other weather conditions that hamper the process.

However, a solid plan can be your secret weapon before embarking on the exciting (and occasionally chaotic) move.

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Start by creating a detailed checklist that covers everything from scheduling your move to notifying utilities and updating your address with essential services. Schedule the moving day well in advance, considering factors like weather and traffic. 

Use This Checklist to Ensure a Smooth Move

  • Set a date with the Moving Company
  • Create a budget for your move, including any unexpected costs.
  • Notify your current utility providers about your move and arrange for disconnections at the old place and connections at the new one.
  • Start decluttering and decide what items to sell, donate, or discard.
  • Collect moving supplies such as boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and markers.
  • Notify necessary parties about your change of address: post office, friends, family, and subscription services.
  • Pack a separate box with essentials for the first few days at your new place (toiletries, a change of clothes, important documents, etc.)
  • Return borrowed items and collect any items you’ve loaned out.
  • Notify your bank, insurance, and any relevant institutions of your change of address.

The Moving Company is available seven days a week, even on certain holidays. We’re here to make your move happen when you need it most.

Protect Your Belongings

Extreme temperatures can be brutal on your belongings. 

We recommend taking these steps to keep your furniture safe. 

  • Use furniture, blankets, and pads to shield items from snow, rain, and potential scratches.
  • Wrap wooden furniture in plastic to prevent moisture damage.
  • Consider disassembling larger furniture pieces for easier transport and added protection.

The Moving Company’s full-service packing options make this a breeze. 

Along with keeping your furniture covered and wrapped, we recommend moving your essential documents (ID, medical records, etc.) to a secure and easily accessible place. Keeping these in a plastic or weather-proof carrying case will keep them safe. Replacing these documents is not easy. 

Temperature-sensitive items can also be affected by the cold. Plants, food, liquids, hazardous chemicals, books, vinyl records, and electronics all need special handling in cold temps. Ensure they are insulated and packed correctly before putting them on a truck. (Some things you can’t put on a moving truck, so check with your movers before the move as to what you need to handle yourself.)

Our fully insured services ensure that your belongings are in safe hands. We’ve weathered winter weather and have the professional experience to keep your belongings safe.

Create Clear Pathways 

Lifting heavy boxes and navigating your move can be more difficult when dealing with winter weather conditions. We’ve shared a few tips to make the process easier. 

Clear Your Driveway & Sidewalks

While our moving team is not afraid of a little snow. But plan for your moving day by ensuring your driveway and sidewalks are clear of ice. Our guys will need clear walkways to and from the truck. We move many things, but not deep snow or ice off of your sidewalk or driveway. 

Before the snowfall, apply a layer of the ice melt to prevent ice formation. When the snow arrives, shovel regularly to avoid a buildup that can become more challenging to remove. 

After the bulk of the snow is removed, apply additional ice melt to prevent the remaining snow from turning into slippery ice patches. It’s a bit of effort, but a well-prepared driveway and clear sidewalks make navigating winter weather much safer and more manageable.

Illuminate Your Pathways

Moving in winter means shorter days and longer nights. 

Take steps to protect yourself and the moving team by Illuminating your path with portable, battery-powered lights and keeping your outdoor lights on if the movers are still working after 5 p.m.  

Don’t Forget to Look After Yourself

Moving day is a practical affair, so layer up. Dress warmly in layers. Thermal undergarments, a waterproof outer layer, and insulated gloves are essential. Don’t forget a hat and sturdy, slip-resistant footwear to navigate potentially icy surfaces safely. 

Trust us, those extra layers and anti-slip boots will be your best friends when you’re lugging boxes through the cold.

Winter weather can be surprisingly dehydrating, even if you hire The Moving Company to make your job a spectator sport. Take breaks, warm up indoors, and stay hydrated. So don’t forget to grab a hot drink and take a breather.

Expect the Unexpected

Despite meticulous planning, winter moves can be unpredictable. Keep an eye on the forecast leading up to your move. If a winter storm approaches, be ready to adjust your plans. Stay flexible, be prepared to adapt to changing conditions, and have contingency plans in place. 

Related Post: Need Flexibility For Last-Minute Moves? We Might be Able to Accommodate You!

A positive attitude will go a long way in making the experience more enjoyable. Our team knows flexibility is a part of the job, and we’re here to roll with the punches.

Contact the Movers Who Give a Damn

The earlier you start, the better you can tackle unexpected hurdles. We know how to navigate icy conditions, handle temperature-sensitive items, and ensure a smooth transition. 

Call us at (417) 501-9128, and we’ll see what we can do for you.